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Where the Volga Bulgaria has disappeared?G.Halil " Do not invest true одеждою lie. The Quran. The forewordAs soon as reply: Where the Volga Bulgaria has disappeared? The most simple and all a clear explanation is given with textbooks on a history: there came Mongols, have crushed and have subdued the Volga Bulgaria. On it she{it} has ceased to exist, and Volga болгары have mixed up with Mongols and have adopted their name татары. But in fact Mongols and have subdued Russia. For some reason she{it} has not disappeared, and Russian have remained Russian. There are scientists who explain, that the Volga Bulgaria did not disappear anywhere, was данником Golden Horde, and Volga болгары have imperceptibly turned to Tatars much later, in XIV - XV centuries, as a result of mixture болгар with кипчаками (половцами). Here there are questions: why болгары have not turned, for example, to the Frenchmen, and it is necessary in Tatars? Why other peoples of the Volga region - the same citizens of Golden Horde - in anybody have not turned? There are statements, that Volga болгары were transformed to the Kazan Tatars in so-called Kazan ханстве - "splinter" of the broken Golden Horde. But also it does not correspond{meet} to the validity. Most authoritative of officially "scientific" statements is the statement of the adviser of the president of Republic Tatarstan on political questions, directors of institute of history АН РТ of Hakimova R.S., that the Volga Bulgaria "was swallowed up" by Golden Horde, and Kazan татары were generated as people in XIX century. If not to ask a question: why Golden Horde has not swallowed up Russia and other states, but only the Volga Bulgaria, concerning a name of people it chronologically the statement closest to true. Really, in the Volga region neither in days of Golden Horde, nor in the Kazan empire, never any tatar people was. Historic facts unequivocally testify, that Volga болгары named itself болгарами not only in XIII - XIX centuries, but even in the beginning of XX century. But why then Ленин has created in 1920 the Tatar republic (ТАССР), instead of Bulgarian? Where true? Who hides her{it} and what for? « … I think, … now, first of all P.Chaadaev « … be afraid of false knowledge. L.N.Tolstoj Where the Volga Bulgaria has disappeared?All of us know, that in Middle Ages on Volga there was a blossoming state the Volga Bulgaria. Where she{it} has disappeared? Before to answer this question, let to find out, when and as she{it} was formed. It is authentically known, that in VII century has died балтавар Кубрат - the governor of Great Bulgaria (балтавар tsar, khan, the sultan, etc. means) . The Earth Great Bulgaria borrowed{occupied} modern Ukraine and Northern Caucasus. The tomb балтавара Кубрата is found on Ukraine, близ villages Pereshchepino of the Poltava area. Its{her} boy - shepherd who in one fine day in 1902, walking cattle, has failed in a hole where has found out a gold jug has found. It{he} has brought this jug of mother, and that, having been frightened, that it can be a stolen thing, has attributed{related} to authorities. Have been made excavation as a result of which gold subjects are found many and, in particular, a gold ring with an engraving of name Кубрата. Today all these subjects intended in due time for life балтавара in the next world, are stored{kept} in the Hermitage. They are the important archeologic material confirming reliability of hand-written historical sources, in particular Byzantian. As is known, Great Bulgaria supported close communications{connections} with Byzantium. In 1997 the Hermitage and the government of republic Tatarstan have organized an exhibition of these gold subjects in city of Kazan. The exhibition has been dated to II congress of Tatars and referred to " Gold of khan Kubrata ". And so, after death балтавара Кубрата, his{its} empire has broken up. One son of it{him} is Аспарух, with people has left to Danube and has created the Danube Bulgaria which exists and today. Other son - Котраг, has left to Volga and has created the Volga Bulgaria. Capital of her{it} was the city of Bolgar which was kept, it is located on coast of the river of Volga downstream approximately in 120 kms. From Kazan, and today is the center of area Spasskogo of Republic Tatarstan. Official date of formation{education} of the state the Volga Bulgaria is considered 922 year. That year the Baghdad caliph has sent the big embassy in structure of which there were Muslim preachers and builders in the city of Bolgar. Tsar Almush - the then governor of the Volga Bulgaria - has accepted an islam and became loyal the Baghdad caliph. It is described by the secretary of embassy Ahmed ибн Фазланом. His{its} records were kept, transferred{translated} and issued by the separate book under the name " Ahmed's Travel ибн Фазлана to Volga ". The Volga Bulgaria has reached{achieved} the big successes in the development. Written sources of those times name its{her} country of thousand cities, Great Bulgaria. And not for the sake of a witty remark so wrote, and with the purpose precisely to express its{her} essence. By the way, the Danube Bulgaria named Small Bulgaria. Also the Volga Bulgaria was really great. For example, the capital of her{it} was time in three more on the areas, than Paris those times. In city centre the imperial palace and the Cathedral mosque towered. In city coins were minted, were public a bath with a waterpipe, the water drain and a central heating. Still the Volga Bulgaria named an empire of reason, and besides it is not simple so that is why, that here the big development was reached{achieved} with such sciences, as a history, medicine, astronomy, mathematics. The poem of poet Sajfi Sheds аль Болгари which as about the usual phenomenon, writes about rotation of the Earth around of the Sun is known. Also it is years for 300 up to Kopernik! The poem of great Bulgarian poet Kul Gali " Юсуф and Зулейха ", 13 centuries written in the beginning, is recognized as a treasury of the world{global} literature and if you remember, the UNESCO were declared with 1983 year Кул Гали. Numerous inscriptions on ceramics, on jewels and, it is especial on a stone, show a wide circulation of literacy among the population. In the Volga Bulgaria have well been advanced black and nonferrous metallurgy, metal working, potter's, jeweller, tanning crafts, and also woodcarving, to a stone and a bone. That fact testifies to a level of development of ferrous metallurgy, for example, that Volga болгары the first in Europe have started to sucelt pig-iron! And well processed leather{skin} among тюркоязычных peoples of Asia till now refers to "болгари". The agriculture too has been strongly advanced. For example, Russian annals testify that in lean years Russian князья went in Болгар and bought bread. And, certainly, such progressive development was possible only at presence of shopping center: in capital of Bulgaria the big market was. It{he} referred to " Ага a market ". Here the big, annual, international fair was carried out{was spent}. Merchants from every corner of the world there gathered. Monetary unit Volga болгар was squirrel шкурка. And today Kazan татары copeck name тиен, that in translation into Russian means fiber. Болгары were strong and in military art. About it it is possible to assert{approve} safely, knowing, that they - unique people in Europe, broken armies Чингис of khan. It was in 1223. Armies Чингис of khan, having subdued all Central Asia, have passed through the Caucasian ridge and have left in половецкие steppes. Here there was a fight on the river Kalka as a result of which as we know, incorporated русско-половецкие armies have been broken also Mongols have taken Kiev. Then they have gone to the east, to the Volga Bulgaria. Volga болгары were well prepared for a meeting. They have constructed special фортификационные constructions where have enticed the enemy and gave fight. The annals writes, that the few were rescued by flight. Болгары have taken huge quantity{amount} captured, the figure in four thousand soldiers refers to. These captured болгары have not killed and have not sold, and have exchanged for rams. On shameful for Чингис khan a condition: one ram for one soldier. Probably, this shame the soul " сотрясателя also has not born{has not taken out} the universe " - soon Чингис khan has died. This fight have named « the mutton fight ». Thirteen years after that татаро-Mongols stormed the Volga Bulgaria. The big campaigns 1229,1232 and 1235 are known, but every time there were bats and receded. And only in 1236, having collected infinite hordes, have managed to overcome her{it} and to break through Volga to the West, in Russian grounds. What people, what state of Europe constrained an impact of the татаро-Mongolian armies even one year? Very much this historical mission was very expensive to the Volga Bulgaria: the Great cities of Bolgar and Биляр have been destroyed, many cities laid in ruins. Bulgaria became a province of Golden Horde and as everything, rendered tribute. But life was on the sly restored, the city of Bolgar has been built up anew, the Ага-market разноязыкой has still rustled with speech. Also there comes 1396. This year the governor of Golden Horde Аксак Тимер under a pretext, that in Bulgaria the heresy was got{started}, undertakes a devastating campaign and betrays to its{her} fire and a sword. The hailstones Great Болгар as call his{its} Russian annals, has been razed to the ground. The governor of Bulgaria Abdulla патша is killed. It is possible to rescue his{its} sons Галим бека and the Three-copecks piece бека. Them take away to the north and hide in small Bulgarian city under the name Kazan. The city of Bolgar is not restored any more. Kazan becomes capital of the Volga Bulgaria. The symbol of greatness of the Volga Bulgaria and a source of its{her} economic power - Ага a market is transferred upwards to Volga on the island Gostinyj located about Kazan. In parallel Kazan begin to name Болгар аль джадид, that in translation means New Болгар. Kazan has completely accepted relay race of the city of Bolgar. Began the new, Kazan period of the Volga Bulgaria. Not Kazan ханства - a splinter of Golden Horde as us learned{taught}, namely the Volga Bulgaria. The Bulgarian statehood did not interrupt, Bulgarian people, both lived here, and continued to live. Russian annals named this state the Bulgarian empire, and at all did not know and did not use the term Kazan ханство. As acted and летописцы all other countries. For example, in geographical cards{maps} of those years made in Europe, Kazan and its{her} grounds are designated by the term " Bulgaria Magna ", i.e. Bulgaria and not simply Bulgaria, and Great Bulgaria. And here is how characterize Kazan documents from Turkey. " Kazan … - capital Bulgarian вилайета, fine and kind city - one of great cities of the Islamic world ". Pay attention, it is told in 1550, two years prior to conquest by its{her} Moscow. In XV century Moscow began to declare the claims for the Bulgarian grounds. Moscow and Kazan competed to variable success about hundred years. It is known, that in 1487 the Moscow prince Ivan - III has managed to subordinate to itself Kazan. Летописцы wrote: " Summers{Years} on July, 6995 in 9 day воеводы grand duke... The Bulgarian hailstones Kazan взяша and tsar Kazan Алегама поимаша and with царицею, and матерь ево, both brotherhood ево, and sisters ево изымаша, and have resulted all in grand duke to Moscow ". The remarkable fact: after submission of Kazan first of all Ivan - III has appropriated a title of prince Bulgarian. Not tatar, but Bulgarian. You know, that all Russian governors added the name of the appropriated{given} ground to the title. For example, prince Moscow was. It{he} has taken Vladimir and prince Moscow and Vladimir began to refer to; has taken Suzdal - prince Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal began to refer to. And has taken Kazan - began to refer to also Bulgarian. It is obvious, that in 1487 in territory of modern republic Tatarstan there were no Tatars and there was no tatar state. It is remarkable, that at last Russian governor - emperor Nikolay - II, the full title contained more than 50 names of the grounds which it{he} owned. And one of them - prince Bulgarian. And Peter-I was prince Bulgarian, both Ekaterina-II, and Ivan Groznyj, and all others. What Ivan - the III second business, after conquest of Kazan has undertaken? The second business it{he} has deprived Kazan the right to carry out{spend} the World fair. A new place for it{her} it{he} has defined{determined} Макарьевскую a large village near Nizhni Novgorod. With that поры the income of fair began to flow in his{its} pocket. As we see, economic interest was pursued by Ivan III, winning Kazan, instead of national or religious. And as consequence{investigation}, Moscow began to amplify even faster, and Kazan to weaken. After Kazan was some times released{exempted} from the Moscow dependence, in 1552 Ivan - IV has finally subdued her{it}. But it{he} did not liquidate the Bulgarian empire. Already after his{its} death of her{it} have transformed in Kazan воеводство, and Peter I - to the Kazan province. In days of Peter's reign-I the tradition began to be established from Russia to name all Muslim peoples Tatars. It has taken place because the West-European scientists whom Peter-I in set has invited in the Academy of sciences created by him{it}, named all east peoples Tatars, including Russian. However, when they began to represent a science of the Russian state have left this name only behind Muslim peoples. And it is clear: they did not want to name themselves Tatars. But Muslim peoples of Russia never named themselves Tatars. For example, in 19 century great Russian historian Karamzin N.M. in well-known work " the History of the state Russian " writes so: " Any of present peoples tatar does not call itself Tatars, but everyone refers to as an especial name of the ground ". (" the History of the state Russian ", SPb, 1818, т.3, with 172). Clearly, that the word татары was the general{common} for all moslems a nickname of times of " prison of peoples ". As we see, in 19 century of Tatars in Russia was not. Whence have undertaken татары after 19 centuries? The history Volga болгар in structure of the Russian state is marked by a continuous circuit of national-liberation wars. Russian annals down to 18 centuries are full of messages of type, " болгаре damned have again risen ". And all these revolts had an overall objective revival of the Volga Bulgaria. The sovereignty was necessary for finding human advantage. The Russian authorities for anything did not want to count moslems people equal to Christians. Болгары - moslems and the tax paid more, and mosques to build had not the right, and books to issue forbade to them, and to soldiers gave the greater number of Dzhigits, and in the suffrage have been strongly limited. Letters and references{manipulations} with the request to give equal rights had no success. In such conditions the state sovereignty was represented by unique means of finding of human advantage and people rose. All revolts were severely suppressed, but all of them had the main slogan - revival of independent Volga Bulgaria. Very big value for destinies of Russia had revolt болгар 1753 - 55 years over which most worthy of сынов Bulgarian people мулла Батырша supervised. It{he} called to revive Bulgaria. Russian empire though has sunk in blood this revolt, but according to requirements rising, has been compelled to resolve moslems to build a mosque and to create the spiritual management. And with 1862 for 1922 the spokesman of interests of people was the powerful national organization " Advice{Council} of the Volga Bulgarian moslems ", having an overall objective revival of the Volga Bulgaria. This organization was truly national. In severe conditions of imperial autocracy, in conditions of oppression of peoples she{it} was valid even on the armed struggle against imperial armies and at times totaled in the numbers{lines} up to 50 thousand person. " Advice{Council} of the Volga Bulgarian moslems " expressed interests of those people which put the purpose, by all means, to keep родное a name болгары, to achieve freedom and a celebration of True, to expel evil and violence from life. Its{her} leader Сардар Ваисов somehow wrote to emperor Nikolay II: " we have lifted a green banner with the image of a star and a half moon …, we protect our religious, national and political rights, conducting sacred struggle against the government of oppressors ". As we see, revival of own statehood for Volga болгар was not end in itself, and was means of finding of the human rights and freedom; a necessary condition of worthy life. And people understood what to achieve human advantage and well-being it is possible only having restored the родную the Volga Bulgaria. Here it will be pertinent to tell, that any national movements pursuing revival of Golden Horde, the Russian history does not know, because any people of Russia never counted itself Tatars. So, we came to XX century, and we see, as in the beginning of 20 centuries татары in Russia have not appeared yet. "Did not come" still татары from Mongolia or whence - нибудь. Brockhaus and Efron's issued in SPb in 1907 the encyclopaedic dictionary authoritatively testifies to it, гдк is written directly down: " Tatars as separate people does not exist ". And further continues, that the term татары - the collective name of Turkic peoples. (For an example it is possible to remind, that such phenomenon - to name different peoples one name - we notice and during the newest period of our history: the name Indians is applied to natives of America though they name themselves named the tribe - mohicans, гуроны, майя, etc.; the term the Soviet people was collective for all peoples of Soviet Union. For some reason after disintegration of the USSR any people does not name itself the Soviet people). It is obvious, that Bulgarian people continues to live on the former grounds, names itself an own name and any tatar people in the Kazan province does not exist. About it it is unequivocally written, for example, in the book " the History of Kazan ", Academy of sciences РТ issued in 1988, (Book I, page 40): " inhabitants of Kazan and its{her} edge{territory} down to October revolution did not stop to name themselves булгарами ". There is an idea, that revolution was a fatal boundary during which the certificate{act} of renaming Volga болгар in the Kazan Tatars was made. Why and how it has taken place? In the beginning of XX century great russian chauvinism experienced the ominous blossoming. And not to all it has been given стойко to resist it{him} I oppress. Many did not maintain. And under this pressure этнонимическое the consciousness волжско - Bulgarian people has broken up on three big currents. About the basic, traditional current going from time immemorial, we already spoke: it " Advice{Council} of the Volga Bulgarian moslems ", named still Ваисовским movement named leaders of her{it} is the father and son Vaisovyh. But at this time people which have seen benefit for itself in the name татары have appeared. They considered, that is necessary to refer to as Tatars to spite of Russian. This current refers to татаризмом. It was expression of chauvinistic tendencies of the offended national feeling. Chauvinism against chauvinism. It is angrily against evil. The despair expressed by the formula: the worse, the better. For example, one of founders of this current writer G.Ibragimov which name are named institute of language, literatures and histories (ИЯЛИ) АН РТ, and one of prospectuses of our city so has stated the basic thesis татаризма: " we not only turkis, we and Mongols. We are people, we are Mongols; we are turkis; we - татары. We зарождающаяся culture will be the tatar culture ". (1912год) How many rage in this citation, how many nonsense. And at the same time the indisputable certificate of that fact, that in the beginning of XX century of tatar people yet was not. It{him} only tried to engender. And the actual state of affairs with a nickname татары was such, that people of her{it} counted an abusive word. Itself Ибрагимов Г. also testifies to it, speaking, that if somebody from moslems you will name the Tatar, it{he} rushes with fists on you, with words: why you offend me? To what should be the rascal that after that to impose родному to people a hated nickname татары! The third current, probably, can be named rational. It{him} the aspiration to defend characterized True and validity reasonable political methods. The prominent representative of this current was Садри Максуди. In July, 1917 when after February revolution the first beams of freedom have warmed souls of oppressed peoples, moslems of Internal Russia have called congress in Kazan and have decided to revive the national statehood. This business have charged with S.Maksudi. It{he} was allocated with the эрудированностью: well knew a history, the literature родного and other Turkic peoples. Has received the maximum{supreme} juridical education in Paris, in Сорбонском university. By then it{he} has proved as the true son of people, actively participating in activity of a party{set} " Иттифак аль муслимин " (" the Union of moslems ") which put the purpose association of all Muslim peoples in struggle for national independence. I want to emphasize, that the party{set} referred to Muslim, instead of tatar. Prominent representatives of all Muslim peoples entered into it{her}: Volga болгар, the Bashkir, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Azerbaijanians, etc. Two convocations of successively S.Maksudi were the deputy of the State Duma where has recommended itself the true patriot, the fearless defender of interests родной cultures. It{he} repeatedly acted at sessions of the Duma with applications, that " the term татары … historical misunderstanding " what to name us "Tatars" incorrectly. The board generated by congress led by Максуди has done huge work as a result of which in November, 1917 it has been proclaimed national - a cultural autonomy " Идель - Ural staffs{states} " which territory included the historical grounds of the Volga Bulgaria. The neutral name of republic " Идель - Ural ", Bulgaria, Татария, is caused by struggle татаристов against S.Maksudi. S.Maksudi in any way did not want to use the term татары. But has shown weakness, has conceded татаристам which fraction in Милли Меджлисе - parliament of republic " Идель - Ural ", supervised all the same G.Ibragimov. It it{he} has admitted{allowed} underestimation of the important value родного a name болгары in consciousness of people. If the republic has been named Bulgarian its{her} forces would treble support of wide broad masses and first of all support of " Advice{Council} of the Volga Bulgarian moslems ". Nevertheless, the national statehood " Идель - Ural staffs{states} " was a unique sample of the decision of an ethnic question on principles of democracy and observance of human rights. Its{her} Constitution prepared by S.Maksudi, did not demand the state sovereignty. Максуди ingeniously expected, that the future of Russia is a federation. It{he} spoke: " … we do not want to be free against Russian people, … we firmly trust in an opportunity of free existence together with Russian people which we never mixed with the governmental authority which was not starting with people ". It{he} knew, that national advantage of the person is provided with freedom and equality in public life, in affairs of formation{education} and culture. In April, 1918 bolsheviks appoint million compensation for S.Maksudi's head which will of a foresight has managed to avoid arrest and to arrive to city of the youth Paris. Here it{he} strives before the Parisian peace conference of the countries Antanty on disposal родного people from большевистского yokes - this unexpected напасти. In the Memorandum to address of Conference it{he} writes: " It is represented expedient to pay attention that the name of the nation represented by me "татары" not that other, as a historical mistake … ". To return to "damned" Russia to it{him} it is not so fated. It{he} works as professor Sorbonskogo of university in whom has once received a start in life. Then it{him} invite to Turkey. There he is a professor Istanbul and Анкарского universities, teaches the right and a history. The most important is some times selected the deputy of National Assembly and, it{he} was one of the nearest colleagues of president Atatjurka - the father of democratic transformations in Turkey. It{he} has published ten books on a history and the right. In the beginning of the fiftieth years in structure of parliamentary delegation from Turkey it{he} worked in Strasbourg above drawing up of the Constitution of the European Parliament. It{he} was not attracted with megalomania. It{he} lived and worked in the name of human advantage. It is not surprising, that genius Maksudi, his{its} philantrophy have found the deserved application at a universal level. Principles of democracy, the right and freedom of the person for which it{he} struggled and to which development has brought in the huge contribution, thank God, have reached and us, on his{its} favourite Native land. In the district way, through Europe, but have reached: in 1993 Russia has accepted the democratic Constitution first in the history which not only has proclaimed all citizens of Russia equal before the law irrespective of racial, religious, national and other attributes, but also has given each person all complex of the rights and freedom necessary for finding of human advantage. That, for what struggled Volga болгары during centuries, was carried out. Russian yoke was terminated! It is a pity, the Native land does not remember the true son: neither in родной to village Tashsu, nor in Kazan there is no even a memorial plate, there is no street with S.Maksudi's name, not speaking about a monument. Textbooks on a history actually shamefully hold back his{its} name and great acts. In three months after the announcement of republic " Идель - Ural " to authority there came bolsheviks. Ваисовцы with pleasure of them have supported, having seen in their coming the beginning " empires of goods and validity ". Bolsheviks have crushed also republic " Идель - Ural ", and " Advice{Council} of the Volga Bulgarian moslems " and have created on a part of the grounds of the Kazan province the tatar republic. The project of the tatar republic has been prepared in наркомате on affairs of the nationalities, supervised Сталиным, with active assistance such татаристов, as G.Ibragimov already known to us who became assistant Stalin, and also M.Sultangaliev. Last accepted personal participation in route of official bodies of republic " Идель - Ural ". Therefore the area near National - cultural center (НКЦ) of city of Kazan where the monument to freedom "Хоррият" is established, is named his{its} name: area Султангалиева. The decision on creation татреспублики was accepted at session of Political bureau RKPb) in January, 1920. And in March in territory of the Kazan province revolt of Bulgarian people against a "godless" name татары has flashed. This revolt is known under the name " Вилочное revolt ". Bolsheviks have ruthlessly suppressed his{its} forces of active armed forces of Red army, destroying thus the whole villages. Then have taken away from peasants all crop of this year and it is artificial have created terrible famine of 1921-22. has again died a lot of people. Survived had no time for national pride, not up to a national name. So bolsheviks have finished with spirit of independence of Bulgarian people. On May, 27, 1920 Ленин has signed the decree about formation{education} of the tatar republic. The certificate{act} of violent imposing Volga болгарам a shameful nickname татары as a national name was made. This date - on May, 27, 1920 - can be counted date of disappearance Volga болгар and occurrences of the Kazan Tatars. After formation{education} Tatar АССР all болгар officially began to name "Tatars", the Bulgarian culture - " the tatar culture ", and the Bulgarian language - " the tatar language ". Whence have appeared татары: not from Mongolia they have removed, and is artificial are created by decree Ленина. World{Global} universal practice is those, that the name of people defines{determines} the name of the state formation{education}. For example, Byelorussians lived on the grounds - for them have created the Byelorussian republic, Chuvashs lived - have created the Chuvash republic, etc. Here there was the opposite: have named republic tatar to impose болгарам a nickname татары. Mistake out of ignorance it cannot be, Ленин knew, that we болгары. Means, it is the realized, ill-intentioned act. What malicious intention bolsheviks had, is artificial creating the tatar republic? Today not a secret, that bolsheviks were continuers of the worse traditions of imperial politics in an ethnic question, namely: great russian chauvinism. His{its} such properties as feelings of hostility and rage of the person to the person to a national attribute, were a fertile field for formation of class hatred in the person. It was necessary to keep and deepen them only. Peoples shared with this purpose on good and bad, on senior and younger. Historically to prove this policy{politics}, the history of all peoples of Russia was deformed. First of all a history of Russian and Bulgarian peoples. Second-grade tatar people was necessary for bolsheviks as historical frightened, for a forcing of a psychosis of animosities and hatred in people, and татаристам - too tatar people, but only as top-quality, the greatest which would manage to revive Golden Horde and " to put Russian on a place ". For achievement of these "great" purposes too it was necessary to bring up mutual rage and hostility between two biggest peoples of Russia. Therefore that interests of bolsheviks and татаристов have coincided, therefore that bolsheviks, using authority, have supported татаристов and have created the tatar republic. Universal wisdom calls all " to learn True " and " to love the near ", and РКП (б) has made all on the contrary: materialized lie in form ТАССР and has created from болгар tatar people, as an alive embodiment of " a historical image of the enemy ". In a word has created an artificial source of hatred and rage between people. Political calculations of the communistic government of Russia included still intention to divide{share} Bulgarian people on making parts and to remove{take off} from the agenda a question on creation big on territory of the Bulgarian republic. As a result of realization Stalin _ ского the plan of creation of the Bashkir and Tatar Soviet republics the волжско-Bulgarian people has been divided{shared} into two parts. It is obvious, that bolsheviks have named republic tatar to please to the antihuman political calculations, in the name of an eternal celebration of evil and violence. About the account of will of people in conditions of dictatorship of Communist Party and speech could not be. The name of republic have defined{determined} contrary to will of people, rough декретированием from above. It is a parameter of illegitimacy of actions of the Russian government of bolsheviks and illegality of the name tatar, the republic created by them. Certainly, next day after signing the decree болгары have not started to name itself Tatars. Moreover, people actively opposed to such shame. "вилочников" we have already mentioned revolt: to resist force to bolsheviks it was not possible. Therefore people simply continued to name itself болгарами. For example, known Russian historian Khudyakov М. has issued in 1922 research about Muslim culture of the Volga region where it{he} testifies: " the Weight of modern Kazan moslems and now does not count itself Tatars, and calls itself болгарами. (" M.Hudjakov, Muslim culture on the average the Volga region ", Kazan, 1922г., page 15/. Pay attention, after formation{education} ТАССР has passed two years. In 1926 bolsheviks have lead{have carried out} all-Union перепись the population. Results of her{it} were amazing: 1,5 million person have named itself болгарами. After that unprecedented terror against scientists - the historians writing the truth, and against religious figures, these keepers of memory national is developed{unwrapped}. Much, many fair historians and scientists - theologians have disappeared those years from hands of bolsheviks. Memories national have been put a terrible loss. But it is not enough of it, under the order from above all history corresponds so, that represents Volga болгар the Tatars who have come from Mongolia. And then the Stalin passport system which ruthlessly fixed болгар Tatars is entered. But even in conditions of severe reprisals болгары continued to name itself болгарами, and art workers and sciences with risk for life propagandized true. For example, poet M.Dzhalil and composer F.Jarullin have written opera "Алтынчэч" ("Золотоволосая") about struggle Volga болгар against the tatar yoke. Beautiful, talented, heroic product has turned out. Authors of her{it}, undoubtedly, were worthy respect and care, but them have sent on front though to Kazan at that time evacuated many writers and composers from the western areas of the country. So татаризм finished with carriers of true within war. Only false culture for татаристов road and for the sake of it{her} they are capable of any barbarity. So in 1944 after deportation of some peoples of the USSR Stalin planned to send to Altai and the Kazan Tatars. Kazan wanted to rename into Volgograd. This time the Foresight сжалилось above us. During last moment Stalin has decided to postpone this action till the best times to not weaken rear since the republic gave only some bread more, than Горьковская, the Moscow and Kaluga areas taken together; made planes, engines and other production of military purpose{assignment}; and the front would lose much. Central Committee VKP (б) has decided to be limited to "route" tatar обкома parties{sets} which has been accused of loss of vigilance and not basic attitude{relation} to nationalism which revival, ostensibly, has been admitted{allowed} in the book « Sketches on history ТАССР ». In this book prepared by then by scientists of republic, the truthful history that we болгары has been stated. The book have ordered to destroy. However the mite in business of revival of True scientists - historians all the same have managed to bring. They have made this great feat in April, 1946. Special scientific session has taken place in April, 1946 in Moscow at АН the USSR, devoted to a problem этногенеза the Kazan Tatars. She{it} has been organized by branch of history АН the USSR. Oustanding scientists have taken part in work of session: historians, archeologists, ethnographers, языковеды, etc. experts, among which such known as Tihomirov M.N., Greeks Б.Д., Dmitriev N.K., Yakubovsky of A.JU.one from the basic lecturers - the historian and archeologist Smirnov A.P. who has devoted all life to studying of the Volga Bulgaria, concerning ethnic consciousness of people has emphasized, that "татары" from time immemorial name itself болгарами. Known языковед-тюрколог Заляй Л. has established, that language of modern Tatars is natural and direct continuation of language болгар. Oustanding тюрколог Jakubovskij A.J. Has noted, that " population Татреспублики borrowing{occupying} territory of the former Bulgarian state, from here did not leave, it has been exterminated by nobody and lives on this time "; " we really with confidence can tell, that the ethnic structure of Tatars or the Tatar autonomous republic make ancient болгары … ". The main conclusion of a scientific forum was stated by the academician of Greeks Б.Д.: modern татары on the origin have no any attitude{relation} to Mongols, татары are lineal descendants болгар, этноним татары in отношениии them is a historical mistake. But forces of evil were still strong, the Soviet authority has put " under cloth " the decision of this session АН, and many scientists who have taken part in it{her}, besides subjected to repression. When the tyrant and ослабли positions of evil has died, the huge contribution to business of protection этнонимического consciousnesses of people from noxious influence of lie and невежества such known scientists as have brought in Halikov A.H., Karimullin A.G., Zakiev M.Z., Alishev S.H., Bariev R.H. But there is one scientist and simply the patriot of people which activity, undoubtedly, it is necessary to estimate as a feat in the name of a celebration of True and happiness of people. It Нурутдинов Фаргат Габдул-Хамидович. It{he} has saved up from destruction the invaluable arch of the Bulgarian annals " Джагфар тарихы ", transferred{handed} to it{him} in the inheritance, has prepared it{him} for printing and has published. It is huge work, which under force unless to scientific institutes. And it{he} has made it one, and in conditions of material difficulties and psychological pressure. It{he} has found in itself(himself) forces to create a network of историко-educational clubs " Болгар аль джадид ", that was the fact of revival of movement Volga болгар for returning родного a national name. Truly heroic activity Нурутдинова Ф. is a major landmark in development of national consciousness Volga болгар, the important step in finding own True history. And people never forgot the original history. For example, my grandfather spoke me: " Сынок, we not татары, and болгары ". Many remember the present national name and want it{him} to return. It proves to be true official recognitions. For example, magazine " News of a Central Committee of the CPSU " (№10, 1989) has published the list of the requests on a regular basis repeating in mail of a Central Committee of the CPSU on questions of interethnic attitudes{relations} where we read: " In many letters from different regions of the country Kazan татары ask to call them "болгарами" or "булгарами". The irony of a history is those: the CPSU, communists, later almost 70 years, have involuntarily recognized, that in 1920 have committed a crime in relation to Volga болгарам, violently having imposed to them a nickname татары as the self-name. People not only writes letters with the request to return родное a name болгары, but also we public - educational activity of clubs " Болгар аль джадид " was a necessary condition for formation of political movement " the Bulgarian National congress " (БНК), which creation in 1990 regard as association of ideas of S.Vaisova and S.Maksudi as the beginning of a new stage of centuries-old struggle of Bulgarian people for revival of the Volga Bulgaria and returning родного a name болгары unites the efforts for achievement of this purpose.. As an example of this struggle in new, today's conditions of democracy, it is possible to name business on abolition of the wrongful name of our republic "tatar". With such request has addressed БНК in State Council РТ. We are full of hope, that the true and validity will triumph, the shameful name of our republic "tatar" will be abolished, the tatar yoke will be свергнуто, and Volga болгары will find an opportunity to revive the Volga Bulgaria and to return родное a name болгары. I hope, now the answer to a question is clear to all: " Where the Volga Bulgaria has disappeared? " She{It} "was swallowed up" by Golden Horde in XIII century as the official historiography tries to inspire us on behalf of Institute of history АН РТ. Simply on a place of the Volga Bulgaria the Russian governors have created in XVI century Kazan воеводство, in XVIII century - the Kazan province, and then, in XX century - the tatar republic, preliminary having destroyed republic " Идель - Ural staffs{states} ", - lawful преемницу the Volga Bulgaria, created on will of people. And Volga болгары neither in XIII, nor in XV, in XIX centuries have not turned to Tatars as a result of mixture with any пришлым people. Simply the government, being guided by decree Ленина about creation of Tatar republic (ТАССР) from May, 27, 1920, has violently forced them to refer to as Tatars. The recommended literature: 1. A history Tatar АССР. Under ред. Doctors ист. M.K.Muharjamova's sciences, Kazan, Таткнигоиздат, 1973. 2. A history of Kazan. Book I.-Kazan, Tatar кн. изд-in. - 1988. 3. A history of Kazan. Book II.-Kazan, Tatar кн .изд-во.-1991. 4. Halikov A.H., " who we - булгары or татары? " Kazan: Publishing house " Kazan ", 1992. 5. Alishev S.H., " Kazan and Moscow: межгосудар _ ственные attitudes{relations} in ХУ-ХУ1 в.в. " - Kazan: Tatar кн. Publishing house, 1995. 6. Karimullin A.G. " Татары: ethnos and этноним ", Kazan, 1989г. 7. Нурутдинов Ф.Г-ò. "Родиноведение", the Methodical grant{manual} on histories Татарии, Kazan, 1995. 8. M.Hudjakov, " Muslim culture on the average the Volga region ", Kazan, 1922г. 9. Адиле Айда, " Садри Максуди Арсал ", М., 1996. 10. Кадыр аль-Булгари, « For a complete sight at a history ». Magazine " Tatarstan ", №7, 1997г. please contact us: bolgarhalil@yandex.ru Main russian page |